
A flower structure with each flower borne on a short stalk attached to a central stalk. The flower structure of alfalfa is a raceme.


The process of returning land to its natural or near natural state or form; often involves seeding suitable native plant species.


The new forage growth following a harvest of the initial top growth


In this manual, re-seeding refers to plants setting seed, which can then shatter onto the ground and germinate to establish new seedlings.


Period of time during the growing season when plants are left ungrazed or unharvested.


A horizontal, underground stem, sometimes called a creeping root or rootstock. It can produce shoots and adventitious roots at the nodes and enable the plant to spread.

Riparian Area

The “moist green zone” found between the dry upland and the water in waterbodies (seasonal or permanent). This transition zone is important habitat for many plant, mammal, bird, and insect species.


A dense cluster of leaves on a very short, basal stem.

Rotational Grazing

A grazing practice where livestock graze a pasture for a short period of time followed by a period of rest that allows plants to recover and regrow. Two or more paddocks are used in a rotation.