Seeding Rate/Cost Calculator East

The Seeding Rate Calculator requires you to consider the soil/eco zone, and characteristics of the site that affect seeding rate before selecting individual forages to include in the mixture. Enter or modify your information in the Grey Boxes to automatically generate seeding rate and cost calculations. Wherever you see a Help click it for more details.

Overall Mixture

Overall Mixture

  1. Select your soil or regional zone from the "Your Zone" box.
  2. Answer the next two questions (irrigation, reclamation) that will adjust the seeding rate appropriately.
  3. Forage U-Pick has also provided guidance for scenarios when an increased seeding rate will help set the stage for a successful forage stand. If required, please select a seeding percentage increase that you feel matches your situation most accurately.

Your Growing Region

There are a number of situations where an increased seeding rate can improve a stand's establishment. Consider increasing your seeding rates in these situations:

  • If frost seeding - increase seeding rate by 20-50%
  • If it is a challenging site - increase seeding rate by 10-20%
  • If broadcast seeding - increase seeding rate by 20%
  • If no-till seeding for establishment - increase seeding rate by 20%

Increase Overall Seeding Rate




Forage #${ i+1 }


  1. Select a forage species from the drop-down menu. The average seeds/pound for the species is used by the calculator.
  2. Select whether the seed is bare or coated. Coated seed will weigh an average of 20% more, resulting in fewer seeds per pound. Adjust percentage according to your retailer's coating information. Inoculation should not be considered as 'coated' unless it is applied with a hard, thick coating.
  3. Select the desired percentage of this forage species in the stand.
  4. Select the desired percentage of this forage species in the Adjust the Pure Live Seed (PLS) or the purity and germination based on your seed lot information. The current settings are default minimums. Higher PLS in a seed lot results in fewer pounds per acre that need to be seeded.
  5. If desired, add the cost/lb of the forage seed.
  6. The seeding rate and cost (if entered) will be displayed in the box on the right-hand side. The summary of the mixture will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
  7. Add additional forage species to your mixture by selecting the "add forage tab" and repeating the above steps.

Select a Forage to Seed

${ forages[i].note }

Bare or Coated?


What percentage of this forage species do you want in the forage stand?

${percentOfPureSeedingRate(forages)}% of the mix has been used.
The total "% of stand" is greater than 100%.
Please adjust to total 100%.

Pure Live Seeds (PLS)


% Purity
% Germination

Cost (optional)


PLS (Pure Live Seeds) = Purity * Germination

A default minimum is provided based on the minimum values of Certified or Common #1 seed under the Canada Seeds Act.
Please adjust values to match your seed's specific PLS, purity or germination.

Adjusted Seeding Rate

/ acre

/ acre


Total Seeding Rate (of the mix):

/ acre

Total Cost (of the mix):

/ acre


Forage % in Stand Recommended Adjusted Seeding Rate Cost / Cost Total
Forage #${ i+1 }: ${forages[i].title} % / acre
Total % / acre per acre

Seeding Rate Tables Spreadsheet

View the Seeding Rate Tables used by this calculator.

The file is a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx file extension).