
Forage U-Pick is a tool intended to guide users with information for forage selection, forage seeding rates, and forage weed management. While every effort has been made to compile accurate and useful information, the tool should only be used as a starting point for decision making. When selecting a forage or forage mix, Forage U-Pick should be used in conjunction with additional feedback from local professionals, additional technical resources and new forage research as it becomes available.

While every effort has been made to compile accurate and useful information, the tool should only be used as a starting point for decision making. 

Forage Questions

For forage or forage weed related questions, please contact your Provincial Specialists:


British Columbia





New Brunswick

Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia

  • Perennia Forage Specialist
  • 902-896-0277

New Foundland & Labrador

  • Agriculture Business Development Division
  • 709-637-2077

Technical Issues

For technical issues please contact

Forage U-Pick Questions & Feedback

For questions or feedback specifically regarding Forage U-Pick, please contact